Bible Study - Chapter : The Acts of the Apostles
Five topics are handled in this chapter. Lying to the Holy Spirit: (v1-11); Power in the Church: (v12-16); Apostles on trial again: (v17-26) & Gamaliel's Advice (v27-42).
The follwing are the questions for discussion from this chapter.
- Lying to the Holy Spirit: (v1-11)
- What did Ananias & Sapphira do?
- What was the reason for their different behavior?
- What is the real issue in this incident?
- How did Peter respond to Ananias?
- Why do you think Peter was able to know the behind-scene secret?
- What happened to Ananias when Peter revealed what he know? Why?
- What did they do with Ananias?
- How did Peter deal with Sapphira?
- What can we learn from this story?
- It is not very common to have instant judgement for sins in NT. Why?
- What do you think the reason for a deviation here?
- What was the result of this incident?
- Do you think Peter handled the situation well? Reason your side!
- Power in the Church (v12-16)
- How was the power of Holy Spirit revealed through the apostles?
- How do you comment on this: Peter nor any of the other apostles did not use miracles to bring back the couple from death nor give them chance to repent?
- Why did "none of the rest dared join them" even though they were highly revered (v13) ?
- What do you think of the situation "instant healing when shadow of Peter fall on the sick" ?
- What was the result of all the miracles happening on the hand of the apostles?
- What do we learn from this passage about discernment for leading?
- Apostles on trial again (v17-26)
- Why did the high priest imprisoned the apostles?
- What happened to the apostoles in the jail?
- Does these days happen these days? Give Reason.
- How did the high priest & his allies respond to the empty jail?
- What did they do when they found them in the temple?
- Gamaliel's Advice (v27-42)
- What did they ask the apostles when the have been brought back to the high priest?
- How did Peter respond?
- How did the council's react to Peter's answer?
- Who was Gamaliel?
- What was his advice to the council?
- What did the council so to the apostles?
- How did they respond to the council?
- Why do you think 'they did not stop' even after severe warnings?
(to be continued...)
If you have any questions, do contact me .