International Bible Study - Nijmegen: Current Schedule

We are now discussing Peter: Learning to be like Jesus & 2nd Corinthians. Once a month a fun evening/ general discussion/movie evening.

The old location for the meetings was Schoolstraat 161A [ marked (1)] OR
Room 00.11 of RUN Student Church (Erasmuslaan 9a) [ marked (2) ] when its at 8PM unless it is notified earlier OR
Radboud Hotel, 1st Floor Common room (1.19), Erasmuslaan 17 [ marked (3) ], Nijmegen. The New address from end of August is Kannunik van Mulicomstraat 20, Nijmegen [4].

Please join our Yahoo! Groups mailing list IBSN to get up-to-date information. Please note that the yahoo email command to join the group is not working, so please mail the group owner if you did not get a welcome mail after subscribing. If you like to know more about the activities of the Anglican Chruch, please contact Patsy Anderson (see the english language church link below).

Current Discussion Topic: Prayer (Latest Date 1st)


See the older schedule here.

Link to English Language Churches in Nijmegen.

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